Monday, June 29, 2009

Cartoon Censorship

Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 5:27 PM
Subject: Cartoon Censorship

How ya doin? My name is Luca Brazie, or Luca for short. I am a hit man for the Corleone Grp Ltd.

Our Grp had nuttin, I repeat nuttin to do with the disappearance of:
1. Speedy Gonzales
2. Amos, Andy, & the Kingfish
3. Chilli Willie
4. Uncle Remus, Brer Rabbitt, er maybe Brer Fox
5. Tom & Jerry
6. The Roadrunner & Willey Coyote

Those media goons are giving us Mediterranean Irishmen a bad rap when it comes to Cartoon Violence. They did not even show up during the writers' strike & we had no contracts in force.

Gracias & A-Reve-A-Dershay. Excusa my 6th grade education. Luke

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