Monday, June 29, 2009

Politicians Fuzzy Math

Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 5:25 PM
Subject: Politicians Fuzzy Math

Obama, Hillary, & John Dean checked into a budget hotel on the campaign trail for a strategy meeting. There was no one at the check in desk but the sign said 'rooms under $30 so each person put $10 in an envelope & put the envelope in the box, took the key & signed the register. With the keys they went to the indicated room,

When the manager came back he told the bellboy they were in a $25 room. He gave
the bellboy 5 one dollar bills and told him, to go to the room & give them their change.

Each of the 3 people took $1 and gave the bellboy a $2 tip. Being good Democrats it dawned on them that they each paid $9 for the room ($27 in all) and since the bellboy got a $2 tip that there was $l left over.

Obama called it a budget surplus. Clinton earmarked it for Health Care, & John Dean wanted it for more Big Mac-Bashing TV ads.

Folks, the missing dollar in Democrat Spin. All Republicans know that if the room cost $25, each man only paid $8.33 (& a 1/3 cent). There is no missing dollar!!!!

My election Dilemma

A Blank Vote is a Vote for a Democrat
A Blinkity Blank Vote is a Vote for a Republican

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