Monday, June 29, 2009

New Government Ban Proposed

Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 9:38 AM
Subject: New Government Ban Proposed

Congressmen want a new government ban on Viagra, Cialis, & Levitra. While these drugs have been a salvation for older ED people, too many younger studs who believe in the old adage "live hard, die young, & leave a good looking corpse" have taken to the drug in droves.

Government statistic now show these working social security donors are now
dying off at a greater pace than the older geezers who keep forgetting to take the med.

At this rate the Soc Sec Trust Fund will go broke faster than the House & Senate has planned.

The vote comes up as soon as Ted Kennedy & Barney Frank load up on a stash.

From the Hill & the Hump DC News

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