Monday, June 29, 2009

Want a Dollar? Go Upstairs & Hollae

Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 11:34 AM
Subject: Want a Dollar? Go Upstairs & Hollae

remember that? There is a run on the banks in England. People are in sleeping bags around the corner waiting for the banks to open.

Exchange rate $2 buys English Pound. Use to be $1

It used to cost a Canadian $1.34 to buy $1 US, now $1 or less buys $1 US

It cost $1.50 US to buy a Eurodollar.

Thank you BBB & Greenspan for our Dollars loss in buying power.

Finally, Hillary had to defend herself about her sexual identity. Of coarse she's trying to defuse the issue before elections. Let’s hear from Jennifer Flowers & what Bill told her, which was written in her book.

By the way, if an older man who lost his wife & is on SocSec meets an older woman who lost her husband & is also on Soc Sec get married, one of them loses a Soc Sec payment, unless they live together A no-no if church going.

But if two gays live together in a similar situation, married or otherwise do not have to give up benefits. The Soc Sec administration is Homophobic!!!

The News for Friday 21 Sept

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