Monday, June 29, 2009

Global Warming Update

Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 12:39 PM
Subject: Global Warming Update

Global Warming, Do Your Part.
No more belching, no more fart.

No more Carbo-nating Drinks,
Plant shrubs to create Carbon Sinks.

Alas & Alack it’s to no avail in the End.
To the IRS the Carbon Tax you will Send.
(feel free to add a verse)

Later that day…

Global warming, Do your part,
No more burping, do not fart!

No soda-pop nor fiz, Oh Gee-Wizz. . .
The green plants think the sun they'll miss!

O contraire just cows doing it in the air!
I just don't think that is fair!

I'm going to eat more beans just for spite,
and when I'm done I'll have a Sprite!!

I'll walk outside and then bend over. . .
Whoops! I think I just killed Rover!

Oh, and one more thing. .


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