Monday, June 29, 2009

Punxsutawney Phil??????????????

Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2008 10:30 AM
Subject: Punxsutawney Phil??????????????

Well, I guess Penn. Punxsutawney Phil ran back into his hole, 6 more wks of winter.

Someone should have stopped him and made ground (up) hog for supper. Don't lose heart, Shabcuacadie Sam (another rodent) from Nova Scotia came out of his hole in a rainstorm, meaning an early thaw.

Here in AZ we have Roadrunner Day, if Wiley Coyote doesn't catch the bird we have an early Spring, Summer, & Fall. Warm, HOTEST, & Hot.

So where ever you are, enjoy your version of Global (gag) Warming.

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