Monday, June 29, 2009


Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 1:56 PM
Subject: info

EPA keep the oil in the ground use alternate fuels Ethanol Save the environment for the animals, they are so cute & cuddly & we are their wards after all . That is our purpose on earth. Are we people for the ethical treatment of animals or people who eat tasty animals?? PETA

EtOH Corn for yrs was 2.5 to 3.5 $/bushel Now it over $5/bu The government is now Subsidizing farmers to grow corn to convert it into Ethanol for cars to stop pollution. More CO2 is produced to grow & convert than it saves. We are no longer an economy driven by market forces.

Price of hops goes up, price of beer goes up
Price of corn goes up, price of tortillas, chips, & cereals goes up.
Notice that a box of Corn flakes or a bag of Tostados now hover around 12.5 oz from 15 oz. Yet the price is the same. Fooled you.

Next is Sugar. South American converts sugar to fuel. When the cost of Candy goes up will people revolt?? The government will say it's for your own good, you are overweight anyway.

Border fence add-on disputed. The 11 more miles of Az barriers will bring about an ecological disaster. We are disturbing the natural habitats & threatening our endangered animals. We may be keeping out the illegals but we are causing an ecological disaster.

Nebraska outlaws electric chair for death row inmates because it hurts them before they die. Let them live in solitary & watch 2008 elections re-runs the rest of their lives.

Water boarding is torture, but cutting off heads & limbs by terrorists is sanctioned.

If Osama bin Laden is in our gun sights & people are around, there must be no collateral damage. (Remember the A bomb & Nazi Germany tragedy)

Roger Clements & accuser is nothing more than a He said-She said squabble.

And it goes on.

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