Monday, June 29, 2009

Nightly Business Report Wow

Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 7:18 PM
Subject: Nightly Business Report Wow

I don't know if any of you folks out there watch this show, but the first 7 minutes were Halloween Scary. It said the investors are putting their $$$ where their mouth is & buying the 10 yr T-note driving the yield down to 4.13% because they fear a recession if the fed (BBB ) does not at least lower the fed funds rate (at 4.5%) at least 1/4 pt if not 1/2 pt. at Dec meeting. The street knows we are at a critical juncture, but the fed at last meeting said they would not act until Jan meeting.

One analyst said inaction could lead to a market meltdown before Merry Christmas & Happy New yr.

Whether or not you own stocks, your pensions & economic future is at stake.

You heard it here first. Mike

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