Monday, June 29, 2009

Politics As Usual

Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 12:55 PM
Subject: Politics As Usual

DEMOCRAT PLATFORM; People, we can spend your hard earned money better than you can with higher taxes whether you are living ( the personal)or dead (the estate) tax.

1. Hillary Clinton A government run economy
"I will go after Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big
Corporations, & high wage
earners & along the way I will cure the sick &
stop Global Warming

2. John Edwards Class Warfare
" I will go after the 2 Americas, the Haves &
the Have Not, &
everyone will Have Less.

3. Obama Change
"You people are poor, stupid er uneducated ,
sick, & need me
to bring the troops home & undo 8 yrs of Regan
er Boosh."


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