Monday, June 29, 2009

Tuesday news

Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 7:22 PM
Subject: Tuesday news

Flash It has been discovered that outed CIA operative Mortimer Snerd wrote the WMD paper during Clinton tenure & now the Nuclear Bomb scare in Iran during the Bush years. Iran still insists they want to remove Israel off the face of the earth, but will use only peaceful methods.

Flashy Flash The Honorable Henry Hsu (pounced shoe) fly Pie & Apple Pam Dowdy indicted on illegal campaign contributions. So Solly Hillary, RR food made me sick & got caught. Next time you in China I want to introduce to Samuri cousin. for not pardoning me when Bill left.

DJIA continue to be held hostage by Fed, as Bernanke still trying to decide; Heads-, Recession & 1/4 pt drop or Tails- Recovery & 1/2 pt drop, I got a wk to decide. Let’s see, 2 out of 3.

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